bigger picture


Doing what is right for people and planet is integral to everything we do. Bigger Picture is our programme to produce food that doesn’t cost the Earth; to build a healthy, diverse and inclusive Finnebrogue family; and to do good for our community at home and abroad.

Zero Waste to Landfill

Began working with a waste management partner to ensure no operational waste is sent to landfill.

Rewilding Project & Tree Planting

Project to rewild parts of the Finnebrogue Estate. Including introducing bird and bat boxes to reintroduce certain species to the Estate.

60,000+ native trees have been planted on the Finnebrogue Estate since 2015.

Partnership with Mulanje Mission Hospital

A pledge to donate 50% of profits from GLC products to Mulanje Mission Hospital in Africa. These donates support programmes including the orphan feeding programme, training farmers in production methods, setting up an eye clinic, and helping to eradicate malaria from the region.

Refrigerant Heat Recovery System installed at Sausage Site

Introduced a heat exchange system to convert the excess heat generated by the ammonia refrigerant chillers to heat water. This hot water is then used throughout the manufacturing and non-production locations. 

Photovoltaic Solar Panels installed on Sausage Production site

PV Solar panels go live at Sausage production site generating 485,000kWH of electricity per year and result in avoided emissions of c.100 tCO2e annually.

Water Treatment DAF plant installed at Sausage Site

Installed a purpose build Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) water treatment plant to remove organic and suspended matter from the wastewater system and reduce pressure on the sewage network.

Calculated Scope 1 & 2 emissions for the first time

In collaboration with CarbonQuota, we calculated and set a baseline for our total Scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions. This baseline helped us identify our largest sources of emissions from our internal operations.

Food Redistribution to Charities

Working with two charity organisations, Fareshare and The Simon Community, who support the homeless community, Finnebrogue aim to ensure that no food is wasted whilst alleviating poverty by redistributing surplus edible food through these charities.

Plant-Based Factory Opens

Identifying the need to produce more sustainable food for an environmentally-conscious consumer market, we committed to opening a specialist plant-based food production site to produce a range of best-in-class plant-based alternative products.

Foundation Earth Eco-scores launched on packs

Finnebrogue partners with Foundation Earth to carry out lifecycle assessments of the Finnebrogue product range. In a positive step towards making the food industry more transparent, Finnebrogue publish front of pack Eco-scores indicating the Environmental footprint of our branded products. 

100% Renewable Purchased Electricity at 3 Sites

Converting to a 100% renewable electricity provider at 3 production sites resulting in avoided emissions of over 1200 tCO2e annually

‘The Food Shack’ is launched

Providing all our employees with a weekly food bundle to help with the cost-of-living crisis and provide additional benefit to staff moving forward. it also supports our efforts to reduce food waste. 

Responsible Plastic Management Initiative

Finnebrogue becomes a signatory member of RPM (Responsible Plastic Management) initiative. The RPM initiative is a Commitment to responsible plastic management and reduction of Single-use Plastics.

Switch to Smart Lighting Systems

Installed and went live with LED smart lighting controls. The Presence & Microwave sensing allow our energy efficient LED lighting to automatically respond to the light requirements. Reducing overall energy consumption and potential emissions.

Diversity Mark Accreditation

To promote and enhance our workforce and social commitments we became signatories of ‘Diversity Mark’ an accreditation to support and uphold employee Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion 

Trial fully electric refrigerated cargo trailer

In collaboration with one of our distribution partners, Manfreight, we began trialling fully electric refrigeration trailers for product distribution throughout the UK.

Ivy Farm Partnership for Cultivated Wagyu

Ivy Farm and Finnebrogue Partner to begin trials to create cultivated wagyu beef in the UK.  This is a “World-first” partnership as it is the first know partnership to develop cultivated wagyu beef.

Photovoltaic (PV) Panels go Live at Plant-Based Site

The roof mounted P.V. array will produce 1,238,658kWhs of electricity per year for the site’s processing operation. Resulting in avoided emissions of 582 tCO2e/year. This coincided with a rollout of utility metering across all production sites to indicate energy ‘hotspots’ for improvement  

The Denis Lynn Foundation Launched

The Denis Lynn Foundation launched with a commitment to donate at least three percent of profits to charitable causes at home and aboard.

Set full Scope 1, 2 & 3 Emissions Baseline

Finnebrogue partners with Sweep to calculate and establish a baseline for Scope 1, 2 & 3 Greenhouse Gas emissions based on FY 2022. Baselining our emissions across the full value chain helps us shape our strategy for achieving Net Zero by 2040.

Launch Bigger Picture – Our programme for People & Planet

Initiative to engage and mobilise the company towards its sustainability and net zero goals.

Including sustainable sourcing, packaging plan, reducing waste and improving waste management, energy efficiency & decarbonisation.

Diversity Mark Accreditation

 Finnebrogue, achieves a historic milestone as the first food producer in the UK to secure the prestigious Diversity Mark accreditation. Simultaneously, the company proudly welcomes Bev Mitchell as the first female Executive leader, signalling a transformative step towards diversity and inclusion.

Business in the Community Northern Ireland

 Became members of Business in the Community Northern Ireland who are an NGO that supports responsible businesses in Northern Ireland. Membership has provided further community collaboration opportunities.

Wrap Food Waste Reduction Roadmap

 Finnebrogue sign up to Wrap’s Food Waste Reduction Roadmap to support and align internal and supply chain food waste reduction initiatives with wider industry commitments. Finnebrogue has committed to reducing our food waste by a minimum of 50% by 2030.

Supplier Environmental and Social Assessment

 Supplier Environmental and Social Assessment launched to assess all ingredient and packaging suppliers against key sustainability indicators and to improve supply chain collaboration to support Finnebrogue’s Bigger Picture Programme.

IQ Energy Metering System

 IQ Energy software installed as part of a full metering upgrade to enable factory managers and engineers to identify energy hotspot areas and implement energy efficiency initiatives. 

Biffa Waste Partnership

 Partnered with waste management company Biffa to extend our waste separation programme and increase the recycled rate of our operational waste.

All Ireland Pollinator Plan

With one third of wild bee species threatened with extinction on the Island of Ireland, Finnebrogue have joined the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan alongside other businesses, schools, and councils to take meaningful evidence-based action to promote and conserve pollinators and biodiversity.

Biodiveristy Wildgrass Bank

 In collaboration with local seed provider ‘Ecoseeds’ we sowed a 4000m2 area of land at our vegetarian site with local brush-harvest native wildgrasses. The wildgrass will support the local ecology and also provide shelter and habitat for pollinators and other wildlife.

Jan 2025
Electric forklifts

Electric forklifts have replaced the two diesel forklifts at our DBP site yard - and will deliver substantial environmental benefits, reducing operational emissions by 36 tonnes of CO2 annually - equivalent to the carbon absorption of 1,636 trees each year. Over the duration of the five year lease, the forklifts will save around 180 tonnes of CO2.